Luckily for Nate, none of that seems likely to happen, unless he takes a special potion that also turns him green when he gets angry.
Edit (9:06PM): Also, for anyone who listens to the spodcast at, I was mentioned as njthomas this week for coming up with "spodbacker," which makes more sense if you listen to the program. Sadly, they guessed I might be New Jersey Billy Thomas because I didn't list my name, but what can you do. Maybe I'll let them know that it's Nathan John Thomas. Maybe not.
Either way, if you like KU sports and have time to listen to a 45 minute program every few days, check it out. KU Spodcasters.
Oh My GOD! It IS evil Nate Simon!
Evil Nate Simon is freaking me out. also, Nathan, I just finished reading your 5th chapter. I'm quite interested to see what will happen next. So keep 'em coming.
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