Wow, I just re-read my most recent post, and I've got to say, "Holy cowzinski, batman, welcome to trite-sville!"
So today I'm going to talk about something totally different. That's right, folks, it's time for another episode of HTGBWET!
I would like to talk to you about the "nerd-cool" look. This is a tricky thing to pull off, when attempting to get a babe. For example, glasses/no glasses; tattered jeans/no tattered jeans; death metal t-shirt/no death metal t-shirt. In reality, the nerd-cool look is often a matter of opinion, taste, and personality. However, I do have a few simple pointers that should get you a long way.
First: hair gel. Yes, it's true that there are many looks out there that don't require the hair gel, and even when you are doing the nerd thing, if you are a red head, hair gel is totally unnecessary, but for the rest of us, if your goal is - first and foremost - babes, then you're gonna need the jelly.

Second: glasses w/ big, black rims. Get them. If you can see 20/20, screw off.
Third: Facial hair. Having recently departed from the beard/goatee thing, I can say that people going for the official nerd look should not have one of these. Stubble is acceptable, anything else puts you into another category (e.g. mountain man).
Fourth: Be ridiculously skinny. Sadly, part of being a hip nerd in the modern era is being so skinny that you can't possible do what all true nerds do: specifically, eat pizza and doritos all the time while playing on your computer. It isn't fair, but it's the nature of the world.
Luckily, there are tried and true methods to go from fat to gnat in a VERY brief amount of time. I recommend cracking yourself out, or going on a speed binge and vacuuming your living room for a week while the refrigerator tries to eat you.
Choose life!
Finally, fifth: Canvas shoes. Converse. Not high tops. Seriously. Guaranteed gold.
Alternately, for all you true nerds out there, you could just "bee" yourself, but, seriously, when was the last time anyone actually did that?
Edit (12:31pm 6/12): Kyle is correct. Pasty, pale skin is an essential.
I find it very funny that you have just described a certain new husband that we know (and one of us loves:) who wore patent leather high tops to his wedding!
I find it very funny that you have just described a certain new husband that we know (and one of us loves:) who wore patent leather high tops to his wedding!
because of said high tops, I am not sure that said boy would fit into the "cool" category of your post.
As the resident red-head, I totally 2nd your hair-gel thing. Its not that the jelly is just unnecessary, its disadvantageous. Putting anything in the hair takes it from a glorious auburn to an ugly-ass burnt poop color.
Also I think a couple of optional pointers (not totally necessary, but definitely counts for bonus points):
6: Listen to crappy Emo music on a decorated/ accessorized iPod.
7: Pale skin - lest you give the impression that you've ever seen the sun.
(...and Lisa is full of junk, those shoes ruled! I'm getting me some.)
Hey... that's my husband you're talking about. OKay.. you're right.. he is kinda a nerd.
I dunno... I think the goatee thing was working for you. But... I'm not a chick, so my opinion may be relevant!
~ ~
Kyle - you can't get me wrong. Like Keeks, I'm not going to diss the whole nerd thing (that may prove to be very disadventagous for me someday). I greatly enjoyed Andrew's shoes at the wedding and was only commenting on the fact that they, unfortunately asit may be as they are not normal high tops, also fit in to Nathan's category.
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