Saturday, January 13, 2007

the Iphone and some missed anniversaries

Just thought I'd mention that I'd missed pointing out my 200th post and my one year blog anniversary. Sad. Anyway, back to blogging...

Recently I was reading a thread on how much people want to either kill Steve Jobs or have his Apple babies. More specifically they were discussing this new Iphone dealy. Here is my take:

I've got neither the love, nor the hatred for Apple and the Iphone that everyone else seems to, but I have to give them credit for one MAJOR contribution.

They told Cingular to SUCK IT!!

Honestly, folks, the look, the feel, none of it matters compared to the fact that Cingular had to completely re-do its infrastructure so that people could check their voicemail without going through THE LIST.

I've been a verizon subscriber for almost four years now. In that time, verizon has found 8000 ways to nickle and dime me. I own the vx8100 by LG. It has about 20 times more capabilities than I am actually able to use, because Verizon strong-armed LG. Love or hate Apple, they are the first hardware manufacturer I know of to force the network provider to innovate.

In a year and a half, the Iphone will be old news, simply because Jobs loves cyclical innovation (Ipod v1, v2, v3, mini, nano, photo, video, etc.). But the fact that Cingular changed? That lasts forever.


Joel said...

Hey, ya know when I was bitching about cell phone answer messages and how Sprint's was far and away the best because rather than giving the person calling to leave a message 10 options, THEN the chance to leave a voicemail, it gives you a chance to leave a voicemail, then gives you 10 options?

Well, that's what I meant -- really, who the fuck wants to hear 10 options when 99% of people only want to use a single option? I'm not sure you understood at the time because you said something different. I think a piece of foil blew by and took my attention, so I'm not sure I ever responded whatever you had said.

Anyway, you brought up that part about the IPhone's picking a message thing, and I agree -- that is cool. I don't think it's the be-all, end-all of cool, however. I'd honestly be much happier if every other company would just take my advice and copy Sprint's options system.

Really, how often do you get more than two messages built up at one time, thus how often would that IPhone feature ever really be used? I actually do sometimes have many message built up, but it's because I rarely listen to my messages at all because I am lazy, not the fault of the system.

All that said -- I won't get an IPhone until Jack Bauer does.

Anonymous said...

Not that it matters, but isn't it technically the iPhone, not the Iphone? Iphone looks like a Latin word meaning antelope or something.