Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pen and Paper?

Hallo, Leute!

Alright, so that little spell of unpleasantness appear to have run its course, which means it's time to start talking shop.

On saturday I came to a startling conclusion. This law school thing is going to require a return of the pen and paper! As far as I can tell, in order to fully begin working on all the outlines I need, I'm going to have to a lot of work in a way totally unlike anything I've done in the past two years or so.

This is truly unexpected, and I'm probably going to have to experiment with it for a while, before I can say whether it'll actually work or not. I just thought I'd let everyone know that things in the world of Nathan are changing in unexpected ways.

On that note, I figure it's probably time for another edition of HTGBWET!

#312: Don't be afraid to wear hot pants, as long as you look good doing it! For Halloween! And at no other time!

Y'all have a good one.

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