Sunday, October 22, 2006

self-doubt? Me?

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for not having updated in a while. This is just one of those things. You find yourself involved in too many things at once, and then the whole world goes to crap.

Or something along those lines.

Anyway, not much to say tonight. I just thought I'd float something out there. Have you ever had a night of inexplicable self-doubt?

I have. Tonight, in fact. I'm getting ready to go to sleep at this very moment specifically so this night can be over. My theory is that the quicker the night is over, the quicker my unpleasant burst of self-doubt will go away.

In lighter news, the Jetlag is a pretty nifty bar and Amanda is totally going down on Wednesday.

1 comment:

v said...


I only have nights of self-doubt.