Tuesday, August 01, 2006

School's out!

Exciting news, everyone. School is officially out. That's right, no more feelings of intense guilt whenever I'm not working hard. At least, no more for 2 weeks. Then it'll be back to feelings in intense guilt, but for now I'm feeling fine!

I'm headed home pretty soon, so all you Wichita folk are welcome to send a note my way, asking for a moment of my time. I will certainly be gracious in my reply.

Um. And that's about it for now. I'd like to say that I have lots of exciting news for everyone, but that just isn't the case. I finished finals, and I now I can only wait anxiously for them to be graded and returned. When that happens, I may have some news. We'll see.

Oh. One other thing. I have a new website, for those of you who use that to get to this blog. It is....

Right here!

And for those of you who can't get links to work, here is the actual address...


Alright, you all have a good one, y'hear?


KU Mommy said...

Hey! How long you gonna be home? Perhaps we should have some hang out time with ye old group from KU.

KU Mommy said...

Is Sunday evening or Monday evening better for you?

Anonymous said...

Saturday (tomorrow) is Andale summerfest. You might find me at the petting zoo...

Nathan said...

There's a petting zoo?