Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Hey everybody, if you haven't noticed, on the right side of the page is a link for "HTGBWET," which, as all of my most loyal readers know, is an acronym for "How To Get Babes Without Even Trying," but more accurately is a section of my blog in which I give mostly ridiculous tips for life, love, and, of course, getting babes without even trying.

Anyway, you'll notice that link. I've now joined a blogger beta thing (?), which, as far as I can tell, is only cool because it allows me to label posts under specific categories. Now, I can provide a link for my best posts, all my tips, my mailbag editions, and, my personal favorite, my rants on stupid sayings that neither make sense nor are even worth considering.

Anyway, in the next couple days expect my list of cool categories to grow, that the world might better know the man, the myth, the legend that is NJ Thomas.

1 comment:

Bishniak said...

Wow, well I'll give beta a thumbs up in the visual department, but it seems so overly complicated, so I'll happily stick to my simple Blog life.

Oh, and Katie's having trouble with posting surveys.

Mr. Sara Gruenbacher