Sunday, November 12, 2006

cain't dance the dance

Hey, you know what I'm bad at? I'm bad at dancing the dance. Somehow, other people are either really good at this or at least mediocre. I'm just plain, outright bad. And, to top it off, I'm completely lacking in aggression, so anything I might have made up for by striking out enough to get it going by simple luck isn't going to happen either.

That sucks. That especially sucks because people seem to like me so much that they actually talk about what a great guy I am when I'm not around (or so the grapevine tells me).

That's my After 2AM thought of the night. I'm sure I'll think better of all this in the morning.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better; I suck at dancing too; I have no sense of rythm and I'm too self-conscious. Dancing is overrated anyway.

Nathan said...

Ah. Yes, you may have misunderstood. I'm pretty good at DANCING. I'm bad at dancing the dance. It's a metaphor.