Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a brief interlude

As a mild concession to all of my many millions of readers both national and international, I've decided to let you know that I may or may not post much this week. I have a final tomorrow and a final of friday. As such, i'm only willing to give out a big "we'll see."

In the mean time, why not watch a few strong bad emails?

Edit (6/21 3:12PM): Ah, Kay. We all care, 'cause we're carebears! C'mon carebears. Stare!


Anonymous said...

I don't understand the e-mails...or maybe I just don't think they're funny. I haven't decided yet. Just to let you all know, not that you care much, I shall not be writing on any of your blogs for a few weeks because I am going on vacation...:)

v said...

Hey, while you're on break, maybe your readers can answer my poll:


v said...

Hmmm... how do make that in to a link in a comment??

Well, v-space.blogspot.com is the blog anyways...

Nathan said...

you know, I'm not sure how to add links here. I imagine you could do the old href thing, but I don't remember the exact code for that, off hand.