Saturday, June 10, 2006

What I learned

So law school starting to become a little more real. I got my first grade yesterday, though it didn't mean much in the short or long run. It was, more than anything, a way to say, "Hey! Pay attention!"

I ask myself, what have I learned so far in law school? I learned that America is not a civil law institution. I learned that Battery and Assault are not the same thing. I learned that for every action there is an exception and for every non-exception, there is still an exception.

I learned that slipping on a banana peel is a startlingly complex concept and that legally stealing land is not uncommon.

Perhaps the most important first issue I've learned, though, is that a grade in law school is completely different than a grade anywhere else. Here, everything is curved. No one cares how well you do. They only care how well you do compared to the rest of the class. And people wonder why law schools are so competitive!

There is very little else to say today. In other news, after taking a long hiatus, I've returned to my story. As far as I can tell, I only have 3 sections left. This means I likely only have about 15 pages left to right. That's pretty exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Law school sounds scary...