Saturday, May 13, 2006

"Abstinent" rarely stay abstinent

Alright, so in leiu of a real post today, allow me to parrot a bit. The following article, which actually smears clinton a bit for being the one in office when abstinence only programs were first introduced as a federally funded thing, lists a few stats which I find of interest. You are all welcome to draw your own conclusions.

According to reproductive rights researchers from the Alan Guttmacher institute, the rate of unplanned pregnancy rose by nearly 30 percent for women living below the federal poverty line between 1994 through 2001-while falling by 20 percent during the same time period for women in families earning just $16,000 annually for a family of three.

Among the poorest women, the proportion of unwanted pregnancies that resulted in live births increased by almost 50 percent between 1994 and 2001, while it declined for women in families whose income was at least twice the official poverty level.

Unintended pregnancies led to almost even numbers of births and abortions.

U.S. teen pregnancy rates are double those in England and Canada, and nine times more than those in the Netherlands and Japan.

Research shows that when contraception is readily available, the rate of unplanned pregnancy drops. France offers free emergency contraception to teenagers, without requiring them to inform their parents, yet France has an abortion rate half of that in the U.S.

For the record, no scientific evidence exists to show that consensual sex between teenagers is harmful in any respect.

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