Wednesday, May 31, 2006

freaking married people

Yeah, so I'm pretty tired. Stupid being busy all day!

In news: I have a paper due on Friday that's making me a bit nervous. This means there'll be lots of work tomorrow (just as there was lots of work yesterday).

In relationship news: pretty much zero. Every girl I've met has been married. It's a frightening thing. I went from having lots of friends who were getting married, to gaining lots of new friends who are ALREADY married. Talk about missing the boat.

But I've heard that's more common among summer starters, so I shouldn't get my panties in a wad (a phrase I don't get, btw, and a phrase I'm pretty sure I don't want to get).

Also, I should apologize for any previous comments. Sometimes I get overexcited about politics and become outraged when people don't take civil duties as seriously as I do. People should not take it personally.

Um. There's more, but nothing worth mentioning at the moment, so I think I'll take this time to sign off. Bis Morgen!


Bishniak said...

This whole "missing the boat" thing can work in your favor, y'know. Now that all your friends, or at least most of your friends are married, they'll have this sudden urge to "couple up" their remaining single friends.

Of course there's the risk of backfire with being attached to someone with "a great personality" but the risk could be worth it.

KU Mommy said...

No apologies necessary. I think I sorta agree with Kay's response to your last post. I read your blog for fun Nate-tasticness even if it is rehashed and such... but I get enough political stuff when I go home and Andrew goes off about something ridiculous that our senators and such are putting into practice. do you see?

Anonymous said...

Kristi and I agreed about something! Yay! Not that we never agree or anything; it's just been a while:)