Friday, May 19, 2006

The Future (comments accepted)

Have I mentioned that I enjoy reading the blogs of other individuals who remind me of myself, but who may be slightly more creative and gregarious? No? Weird.

Um. Tonight I'm not going to talk about anything major, because it's late and I'm tired. However, I would like to say... LESS THAN A WEEK!! I'm actually getting a little nervous. I haven't done real work in such a long time. I wonder if I'll remember how.

Today I'd like a talk back session in the comments section. The topic: How will Nathan do at law school over the course of the next 3 years?

A) Top 10%, job at Latham & Watkins
B) Top 50, will always live in Kansas, probably KC area
C) Top 75, starts at 22 grand, chases ambulances
D) Dropped out, became a surfer in LA, suddenly grew immensely popular when his novel went to the movies.

Feel free to make up your own possible outcomes as well. Creativity is key. And don't be afraid to hold back. I'll certain accept things like: "M) became a hippy, married a brazilian woman name Locquatia, eats mangos." I may post my favorites on the main board.


Kathleen said...

Becomes famous international lawyer at The Hague, retires a multimillionaire and shares it with his favorite friends from High School,of which Katie is one!

KU Mommy said...

E) Loves KU Law and gets through in the Top 20, meets the woman of his dreams his second year there, marries her after graduation and settles in 'Ta town to raise a family and live somewhere near Rock Road in a casa de plushness. And then lets his kids hang out with my kids because they'll need some exposure to a different viewpoint. Plus they'll like to play in Uncy Nate's swimming pool.

Anonymous said...

F)after a long romance (since 2nd grade) Erin and Nate finally realize that they were made for each other, she helps him finally lose his virginity, and they raise incredibly spoiled children in another remodeled addition to her parents' house.

Oh, but I can dream.

KU Mommy said...

ooh.. a doctor and a lawyer married. yes. i like it a lot.

Nathan said...

My favorite part is definitely the remodeled edition bit. Totally sweet.

Brad Raple said...

Well, you can make more than 22k, even if you're dead last. And I'm sure you'll be well above that.

Anonymous said...

G) Dies tragically 1 week from graduation, gross negligence and the mighty Missouri conspired to take his life too soon. Sadly the body was never found...

...or was it? Years later an old friend from college swears of a close encounter in the backwoods of Azerbaijan while building a secret underground liar with the fortune he made in the stupidity futures market. The friend, speaking under the condition of anonymity, sets the media world ablaze with documented truth of one man's doppleganger cloning project.

The man has such a mysterious and rumored past that his name could nary be spoken for fear of the apocalypse. To those who knew him by his forgotten former name, he will be remembered as the greatest man to ever live. To all others he will always be as "that one dude who was always around right before the grizzly bear came out of nowhere."

Anonymous said...

I don't like to think about Nate dying:( The world would indeed become a sad sad place