Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Moving On

Today I watched Hitch for the first time since I saw it in the theaters, and I have to say, it isn't as amazing as I remember. Sure, it's good. I definitely enjoyed it and saw the parallels in my life and personality, but (and this could just be wishful thinking) I think I've moved beyond that kind of thing.

So let's move on in general. Today I did a few things in preparation for school, which of course leads to daydreaming about school, which in turn leads to looking up other people who go to school at KU.

All of this leads me to believe one thing. To be successful in law school, you have to be a pretty funny person in the so-called blogosphere.

That said, I'd like to talk to everyone today about something near and dear to my heart. My Cell Phone.

That's right, my VX8100, which I affectionately refer to as Timmy (and which my two year old niece calls either "mines" or "pictures!"), has been cut off from the powers that be.

In other words, the power cord is not handy and will not be handy for about 2 weeks. The battery is dead. My social life is forever ruined.


This means I wasn't able to talk to or call anyone for a whole 24 hours. I ordered a replacement from ebay (S&H was 6.50, the replacement cord itself was 1 penny - ebay is amazing), but who knows when that is getting here?

So I cried... and I begged... for you to love me, love, say that you'll love me.

Um. I mean, I was sad. Then, like a vision from the heavens, I realized how to deal with my current crisis. My mom wanted me to clear out my truck in preparation for moving. I opened the truck bed, pulled out an extremely old bag, brought it inside, and opened it.

"What did you find?" you ask?

I found MY OLD PHONE FROM MONTANA!! That's right! That's why you don't throw things away and why Joey doesn't share!

I know!

And it took a long time and was probably totally unnecessary, but my old VX3100 is back in operating condition as of a little while ago. It has been successfully re-activated, and the good times are here again.

New Rule (unrelated to the maxims of HTGBWET): if you want to touch me, you have to be willing to perform strange phone related acts with me from many miles away. All others are verboten.

Except Kyle, who is my driving buddy this weekend. Also Kristi, I guess, but only because saturday is her special day.

Edit (5 minutes later): Also, whoever is from (or near) westlake village, CA should step forward. I'm curious who is reading my blog from out there.


Anonymous said...

Fee, you never did say when you are moving up with Joel...are you going to be around for a while this summer so I can actually hang out with you. I can't perform freakish acts unless we're in the same state. Also, I would just like to add to Joel's comment about the skank lesbian that "You are a skank lesbian!"

Anonymous said...

Just sharing that I'm about 3.5 hrs from Westlake and I read your blog :)

Nick said...

I am not a skank lesbian. Just in case that needed to be cleared up. Heh, Kyle said "lesbianic." That's a good word.

Kathleen said...

Skank lesbian! Skank lesbian!

Joel said...

Now this, I'm reading all this. Shank lesbians all the way.

Let the phrase "but sex is beautiful" never be written again on any self respecting blog comment board.

Christ. Why don't we all just go be in a crappy Drew Barrymore movie. That's really the level of pathetic we were approaching in the last thread.

Kathleen said...

lol..but sex IS beautiful...:-) heehee. Sorry Joel, couldn't resist. Felix, where have you been man?

Anonymous said...

I was in fact calling Joel a skank lesbian. But I am impressed by how long of a conversation we managed to have about skank lesbians. Good job guys

Anonymous said...

And I think maybe sex is only beautiful to girls.

Anonymous said...

Hey sometimes it is just sweaty and fun Kay, you've got to admit that. *Umm, have I said too much?*