Friday, May 26, 2006

a disclaimer, a tribute, and a great adventure

So it occurs to me that current fellow students will begin checking out this blog of mine, which could be bad news, as the facetious nature of the title doesn't directly come across.

Tricky, tricky.

Um... But after some extensive thinking (almost 3 minutes!) I've decided not to make any changes. If it doesn't become immediately obvious that I am the last person to be handing out serious relationship advice, then there are problems. However, please allow me a brief disclaimer, just in case.

To all of you out there who might find my title offensive. 1st, both men and women may be called babes. 2nd, for the most part I never pretend to hand out any real advice. For an example of the kind of things I have to say, see this link. 3rd, I mean, really? Offended?

And now for an actual thought. At times I may feel inspired by one of my classmates, and at such times, I think I might write a little something about them (anonymously, of course).

Today I would like to mention a student that proved a recent theory of mine incorrect. Not long ago, as many of you know, I decided that revisiting past woulda-coulda flames was an act doomed to failure. It seems I was not correct. One of my fellow students is MARRIED to a woulda-coulda old flame.

Who'd have thunk it?

Not too long ago (like, yesterday) I was a pessimist. I lived in a world in which second chances could not be given, a world in which the lack of an immediate yes equated to a lifetime of neverending no. I'd finally decided that we all really are just as shallow as we seem to be.

And now, just as I resign us all to a cesspit of depravity and modern (sometimes called "agape") love, a story comes along to change all that. They'd known one another. They'd been friends. They parted ways, and then fate pushed them back together, and a free exchange of ideas sealed the deal.

Ever since I can remember, I've believed that those true, honest-to-goodness relationships began as friendships. I'd almost entirely abandoned that belief.

So here is to you, fellow law student, for giving me hope that the world isn't what sadly decided it was, and for inspiring in me a belief in humanity again.

Now I don't know if this inspires me to revisit any of those ships that have sailed for me, personally. For one thing, I don't know if there's any reason. Life right now seems too full of opportunities and options and good times to feel like my only choice is looking backward. I've begun what I think may be a great adventure for three fantastical years. I cannot know now if that means anything, but maybe the adventure itself is what I should be looking forward to right, rather than any prize at the end.

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