Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Money and Dewey

Wow, I'm actually writing a bit today. First, everyone, go down to the post right below this to find out why I think you are all so awesome. Second, thanks to all of your generous clicks last week, I earned another $.51, making my grand total about 80 cents. Only 62 and 1/2 more weeks, and I'll be able to pay for that party for all of you! Please, feel free to click ad nauseam.

As to the reason for this unorthodox second post... It's WEDNESDAY! That means it's time for me to release two more chapters of my on going story. As a little recap, Dewey and the cousins have just met their creepy guide Thad and his crow Heppy. Be prepared for a little excitement in these next two chapters, as the gang goes from fear of death to fear of death. And be aware that you are about to meet my favorite character (save Dewey himself, of course). Now, without further ado...

Chapter 6 - Troubled Horizon

Chapter 7 - A Kansas Farmer

Whole Story

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