Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Apologizes, all around. We haven't quite hit midterm elections yet, which means it's time to start talking presidents after bush. To get the party started, let's consider the follow verifiable fact.

The mass media press is biased.

I think we can all agree on that. I mean, look at the record. How can there be any contention? In the past six or seven years, they've routinely sided with the presidential candidate of one party and derided the presidential candidate of the other. They've devoted thousands of words to misunderstanding and lies about one party's candidate and maintained that the candidate of the other party was open and honest, regardless of actual history and reality.

Anyone see where I'm going with this one yet? Allow me to continue.

They've smeared one candidate's name through the mud for being, not only a liar, but a bad liar, though this candidate never once lied in any of the circumstances he was painted.

They helped make a war hero look like a monster in two opposing ways. First, they put in the mass media echo chamber the idea that he hated our troops and almost singlehandedly made the Viet Cong prison camps effective. Then, they managed to turn around and lead credence to the idea that he WAS an evil troop member, who shot innocent kids in the back.

Sure, these ideas may have originated from others, but LOTS of weird ideas are out there. It takes the mass media for anyone to know about them.

They completely ignored the scandal, profiteering, and possible insider trading of the candidate for the team they like, just to fit their ridiculously biased story that he was so "open, honest, and fun." Where they acted as the ultimate in echo chambers for lies and general dishonesty against the other team, for this team they breathed hardly a whisper of any wrong doing.

And it continues today. The two leading candidates for the 2008 election are on opposite sides. Ironically, I kinda like both of them, but the press obviously doesn't. Consider: The first candidate has been married to the same person for an adult life time. The second has been divorced once. The divorced candidate went on to marry a wealthy heiress, which allowed the candidate to finance a political career. The first candidate didn't exactly start out poor, but earned a great deal of wealth the old fashioned way: the candidate and spouse worked for it.

Naturally, if you just heard this, and you knew that the press was biased, you'd know exactly whose sex life they'd go after. The divorced one? Of course not. They're gonna go after the sex life of the continuously married couple. They're gonna paint the rigor and hard work of one candidate as ugly and unpleasant.

Why? It's simple. The press is as biased as they come.

I'm not going to bother wondering why. Maybe the press identifies w/ the side they are reporting against, and so the press does not want to be seen as pandering. Or maybe pandering to the other side is simply a monetary issue, as Noam Chomsky would have us believe in his book Manufacturing Consent.

I don't know, and I'm not willing to get into that argument. I'm only willing to state one thing for certain.

In recent presidential elections, the Mass Media (including the NY Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the LA Times, and, obviously, Fox news) has been biased...

...against the liberals.

(thanks go to Jamison Foser for his excellent article "Media Matters" in which he provides most all of the research in this post)

Edit: Also, sorry. I promise I'll write about that other stuff tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I thought XMen3 was great, especially the scene where Wolverine was...(that was it, just any scene where Wolverine was on the screen) Especially the one where was was walking away from the camera in his leather pants...damn door closing:(

Kathleen said...

Yeah, it takes a special guy to wear those pants doesn't it! Also, loved this post Felix.

Anonymous said...

X3 was crap, unless you like cardboard characters, awesome storylines that go nowhere, tons of mutants with the same powers (seriously, they all superjumped? what happened to flying and/or teleporting?), blowing lots of shit up, and killing off characters for no real reason.

Also, on the bias thing, that's why I watch the Daily Show. At least then you know its going to be biased. Plus you get this week in god. hee.

Anonymous said...

I miss watching the Daily Show; I watched it religiously when I had cable. I want to have John Stewart's babies...or maybe just sleep with him a lot:)

KU Mommy said...

Over all, I'm rather bored by this post. Can we get some life happenings or something, lawyer man?

Anonymous said...

PS: Sara, you would not like XMen3; that is so typically liberal of you. It's so liberal I can't even convey how liberal it actually is. Maybe if the mutant went around wearing hemp and hugging trees you would have liked it more, liberal.

Anonymous said...

PPS: This is fun; I like my new right wing stance on liberalism; I've decided to be fanatically conservativistic. And if you don't think that is a word, well, you're probably a liberal so I'm not worried

Nathan said...

Life happenings? Those have been the past several posts. I've mentioned all kinds of life happenings, just indirectly. Remember, I now live in a world where I can't say everything outright, because it's likely to be read.

Kay, I am reasonably certain conservativistic is a word. In fact, as opposed to conservation, it is effective and appropriate to the conversation. Kudos.

About wolverine's pants... Um, I actually didn't notice. In my world, pants are just generally pants. I did think it was worth noting that there were a heck of a lot of skinny people in this movie.

Now back to Kristi. Just out of curiousity, were you bored w/ this post because politics bores you in general, or because it goes against your political opinions?

Either way, the phrase "bored by this post" makes me pretty sad. All of these other posts are meaningless. They are old ideas, rehashed out in barely new, hardly interesting ways. My love life, current education status, and new friends are meaningless compared to the vanishing middle class, the destruction of a free and fair society, and the powerful role the media is taking in bringing that about.

But, I guess, if no one wants to hear about that, then no one wants to hear about that. I'm shortly going to see a benefit movie, but when I come back I guess I'll return to talking about the mundanities of my life.

Anonymous said...

I can't speak for Kristi, but I like hearing about those things you call "mundane" because I like to know what's going on in your life. This blog is the only contact with you I ever had. Plus, I do find politics for the most part depressing and somewhat boring b/c the world's a shitty place and no matter how much I think about it or talk about it, it's still shitty and it depresses me. But I don't mind reading your political posts every now and again b/c I find your intellect fascinating and I like to hear your opinions so that I can base mine off of them, um, I mean, form my own original ones...:)