Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday Mailbag - 4/21

In what I hope can only be an exciting move, I've decided to create a new format for fridays, after the surprising success of my tuesday mailbag edition.

That's right prognisticators out there, every friday I will select the comments I like the most from the week and slap them on the front page, then make silly remarks/responses to them.

To begin, let us consider the quiet musings of Kiki, a loner and ne'er-do-well from Tallahassee, FL, who responded effusively to my sex statistics:

These statistics bode very well for me in 2 weeks. YIPEE!!!
Yes, Kristi. We know.

We all know.

Which leads me to an odd question. Which of that infamous original group that first had it's founding my junior year at the big table will be the last remaining true virgin? Vegas has Felix by 20 points, but two dark horses are eyeing him warily.

Our new best friend at HTGBWET - Vince - had this to say:

The last person I was in bed with would have been willing to repeat the experience, but I wasn't. I kinda regret having been with her in the first place, as it was the first time I let myself get in that situation with someone I wasn't into intellectually and/or emotionally... no thanks, again.

The editors at HTGBWET give a huge thumbs up to bar skanks, Vince. Sure, they aren't for everyone, and certainly there is a bit of regret later, but at the same time, at least you gave your hand a rest.

The editors at HTGBWET instantly regret that last remark, and, as a consolation give Vince the last comment of the day.

This resolution never lasts. :-)

Women are too powerful, impossible to resist forever.

Wiser words have never been said. Sure, He-Man had the power of Gray Skull, but didn't that mean that he was just the Sorceress's bitch?

And with that we return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


KU Mommy said...

You know... I think I have cried every time I found out that someone from the AHS grouped hopped off the V-train.

I had such high hopes in high school for all of us remaining virgins until marriage. In my diluded and naive mind, I really thought back then that that is what we all wanted.

Of course, at that point I had no clue that a few of us had already hopped off the train. I also had very little clue how powerful teenage boy sex drives can be... or for that matter how powerful male sex drives can be... or for that matter how powerful ALL sex drives can be. Actually at that point I had not even experienced making out so I didn't have any clue about anything.

Then Kay told me at some point in college that I was an Eternal Optimist... always expecting the best of every situation, and that is why I got so upset when life didn't live up to what I thought it really was.

I'm not sure that all of this relates... perhaps it's just a stream of conscious type o thing.

KU Mommy said...

Oh yeah... and by the way... you, my dearest Nate, are one of the most prized Gem in your age group.

Most women my age who have saved themself have given up on ever finding a man who is also a virgin. The pickings are slim... so it's absolutely rock solid fabulous if you find someone who actually can experience it with you at the same time.

v said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, statement retracted as you blogged it. *grin*

Everyone sees other people's experiences through their own goggles... so, with clarifications in hand I revisit things. I can't help it, it's a personality flaw.

(1) I've never met a woman in a bar, unless you count when I was a musician. But those times were because I was a musician, not because I approached anyone in a bar. Bars frustrate and annoy me.

(2) The person I spoke of was simply really into me, and I wasn't really into her, and I got less into her as I got to know her better in the bedroom. I agonized for 2 weeks how to nicely say no thanks.

And yes, I know it's a personality flaw.

Kathleen said...

I kind of take offense at two of the things you said Kristi, although I'm sure you didn't really mean for them to be taken that way by me. First of all, what about women's sex drives. I would argue that women have just as strong or even stronger sex drives than men in some cases. Women make the same choices that men do in regards to that. Also, I really take the whole idea that a woman (or a man) should "save" their virginity. I don't think of it as a prize for some guy. Or even a man's virginity as a prize for some girl. It's only one part of a person's whole life/being what have you. Why should the focus be on "saving" yourself for a husband/wife as though that is your only worth...not that I am for one minute suggesting that that's what you said - I think I know you much better than that! I guess I just don't place a high value on virginity itself, since the whole concept in history that a woman must be a virgin until married has been used to keep women from asserting independence and power. She's "sullied" goods so to speak, if she wasn't a virgin and therefore no good to her husband. I just take offense at that.

Kathleen said...

I'm not sure why, but my other comment wasn't posted. Anyway, Kristi, I do have to say that it bothers me and worries me a little that you seemed to be so worried, and to take it so personally when one of us from the group stepped off the "v-train." I say stepped off, rather than "fell" because I firmly believe that it was a decision, not an accident,for everyone. I am not saying that the decision wasn't a mistake for some, or a great thing for others (I don't know particulars in anyone's case except mine) but everybody is different - different beliefs, ideas, etc. And just because remaining a virgin was the right decision for you, doesn't mean that it is the only decision, or the right one for others. You made your choice based on the knowledge and beliefs that you have (had). I, and others, made choices based on our knowledge, beliefs, etc. too. I agree that you are an Eternal Optimist! :-) and that's probably a good thing. I think being an Eternal Pessimist would be just depressing. But I also think that some of those feelings happen because you want people to have the same beliefs and that didn't happen, so you think that they're wrong, or whatever. Okay, this comment is rambling. My point was that people are different, and not everyone believes that remaining a virgin is extremely important in relationships.

v said...

Even I, as uninterested in sex as I seem to be, think that saving one's virginity is at best simply a waste. Life is for living, and sex is a part of that.

And yes, large portions of religious doctrines are there to enforce and re-inforce social classes and power holdings.

If you haven't already, start re-evaluating *everything* you've ever been taught people!