Thursday, April 06, 2006

Law School Update: Summer School #1

Hi all.

So for the past few days I've been waiting patiently for an email from the director of admissions at KU Law regarding the possibility of starting in the summer. Up to now I haven't heard back, which has made me a little nervous.

Why no reply? Could Carrie be fighting valiently against the board, arguing my right to start is summer if I so choose? If so, should I write back and say that it isn't a huge issue?

Finally, I called today. Turns out, Carrie (the director of admissions) is on vacation this week. It makes sense, her major recruiting tool of the Law School openhouse happened last week, making this as good a time as any to vacation.

So I talked to a woman who was neither the director nor the assistant director of admissions, but who was very nice and knowledgeable. She said that she couldn't make any decisions about summer program for me, but that odds were in my favor. I guess they've been trying to increase attendance, and my participation would be greatly appreciated.

However, for anything official, I'll have to wait until either tomorrow (when the assistant gets back) or Monday, when Carrie gets back.

Super exciting.

Also, yes, I will indeed be there on Saturday. Have anything specific in mind for me to bring?


KU Mommy said...

Something yummy that goes well with much alcohol. I haven't had alcohol in a really long time. There must be yummy food to temper my buzz. :)

Joel said...

Ok, this is pretty funny. I assume because of your political tirade below, the thing being advertised on your site is Liberal hotels, i.e. hotels in Liberal, KS.

Nathan said...

the ad I'm seeing is "Center Right Commentary: upbeat, insightful and original"

Crazy stuff.