Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Screw it. Let's just open up a restaurant in Santa Fe.

You know, Rent is an amazingly touching movie, even if the ending is a little dumb. In fact, maybe that's part of it. You are never quite satisfied with the end and are forced to live through the music in the middle again and again.

At the moment I'm listening to the song "Will I," and it has put me in a thoughtful mood. Sometimes while we're all busy having fun or worrying about petty concerns like de-virginization, we sort of forget that maybe our lives aren't all about filfilling silly whims.

I don't have much else to say beyond that. This isn't really a do-gooder post. I'm not going to provide any links to the good will or anything like that. I just find myself caught up in the lyrics:

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

I mean, I think we've all been in a place in life where we wonder this. Lord knows I have.

Yeah, I've got nothing. I don't know how to express what I want to say.

I remember my freshman year of college. The first semester sucked, but I somehow managed to get through it. The second was not so easy.

I distinctly remember times when I would feel so overwhelmed that all I could think to do was go hide in an empty room and stare at the wall. I had not learned to cope. There was even one very terrible day, as I was driving back up to school from a trip home, when I seriously considered wrecking my car, just so I wouldn't have to go back up to that terrible place.

That's what I think of when I hear this song. I remember the fear. I remember the terror. I remember thinking that I was being attacked from all sides, like standing naked in a hurricane.

In the book "A Princess Bride" they talk more vividly of the torture machine that momentarily kills the man in black. The story goe that the man in black had been trained how to escape the pain of torture by moving his conciousness into the dark, safe places in his body that were not feeling the pain.

However, the torture machine devised did not allow that. There was no safe place. Every part of his body was covered by the thing, including his eyes.

Anyway, then it got a little better. I didn't even notice the change; it was so gradual. I attribute some of this to an english professor of mine named Max Sutton, but that is a different story.

The semester ended. I went home and had a boring summer job. And when I came back, I discovered that college wasn't as terrible as I remembered. It was really very surprising how much I enjoyed the experience after that.

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care?
Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

I'm a surprisingly happy guy. I've lived a peaceful, good life so far. It makes me wonder. If I've found myself asking these questions for a semester, how many other people ask them far longer?


KU Mommy said...

Wow. I HATED freshman year of college too. I had no idea how much you hated it. I do vaguely remember you yelling at me for being a bad friend, though. Sorry bout that, dude!

Kathleen said...

A bad friend? Now I'm intrigued by gossip..also, I LOVE Rent!

Anonymous said...

I've watched Rent approximately 525,600 times since buying it...and once in the movie theatre. I was very homesick my first semester of College, but the second was better. And I was very homesick my first term here in Springfield, and that got better. I went from being homesick to just physically sick from stress:) But that's all a part of life. I think it can be a good thing to move away from home, be really miserable, and learn that you can make it on your own.

Anonymous said...

I got homesick of a different sort my first semester/year....

I got sick of living at home, and looking back, really wish that I would have moved out when I started college, rather than my second year.

When I finally did move out, I didn't even go home for 6 or 8 weeks, even though it was only 20 minutes away and I had been driving 2 or even 3 times a day for a while.

I dunno, I guess I just really enjoyed the first couple years of college, it was my last couple semester that I really couldn't stand anymore.

KU Mommy said...

Okay.. so this has nothing to do with your post... but are you aware that on some computers your side bar is actually WAY DOWN AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR POSTS!

It just annoys me a bit... but perhaps that was your intention in the first place?

Thank you for time.

v said...

Yeah, this seems to happen depending on what you've written in your blog entries...

I finally figured out how to fix this on my blog. I made the blog entry column 10px smaller...

Joel said...

I remember my first night at college. I met up with Jeremy Lies, Pete, who for as much talking about him we did, I barely knew, and Jeremy's weird new roommate. Duane.

I remember being in awe that I no longer actually lived at home. I'd been away from home for plenty of nights, but for the first time I lived somewhere else and it was a weird and very cool feeling.

I didn't want to leave from the moment I pulled up. I didn't want to leave from the minute I got there on Senior Day earlier that year either. I didn't ever consider leaving Delt, even though I really didn't have any friends there for the first semester, we got yelled at a lot and people before and after in a situation like mine almost always left. I just loved it.

While I've put college behind me, and can't really say I WANT to go back, I didn't want to leave the day I left and I love going back every time I get the chance. Crap, I got a third degree basically because I liked it so much.

I've never seen Rent, but Lacey bought me Fever Pitch for my birthday tonight and DAMMNNNNNN that's a good movie. Baseball movies kick ass.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has AIDS!!!! AIDS AIDS AIDS!!! Liked it better when it was Lease and in Team America for 5 minutes.