Sunday, January 22, 2006

Grammar League

Most recent pet peeve: grammar mistakes on message boards. I am speaking of two mistakes specifically.

First, "should of." This one is more common, though irritates me less. Example: "we should of got the win!"

Screw you, you sumbitch!!! "We should've gotten the win." Also acceptable, "We should have gotten the win."

Second, "are." This is less common, but so painful to read that I grind my teeth every time I see it. Example: "Have you seen are offense? Are offense is lousy. We need to be more forceful with are offense."


Is anyone else feeling me on this one? Does anyone else want to start screaming "OUR... OUR OFFENSE!"?

In fact I propose beginning an official group known as the Grammar League. This will be a group dedicated to correcting specific errors. Typing accidents, like using the word "the" instead of "to" will be allowed to slide. Common spelling errors that do not change word meaning will be forgiven, like "lrod" instead of "lord."

What will not be forgiven is the mangling of a word to the point that it is another word, as with "are" and "of." Other examples of this may be "guest" instead of "guessed" or "parody" instead of "parity."

If anyone would like to join my secret force of grammar police, just leave a comment to that effect.

Also, if you are in my Grammar League, it will be up to you whether you want to correct "there, they're, and their," "whether and weather," "it's and its" "affect and effect" "farther and further" and "accept and except." These kinds of mistakes are so frequent that I believe everyone knows the actual rules, but are simply too busy to care. Thus correction is a personal choice.

Lastly, a vote will be taken each year about lie, lay, lain, and laid. I am of the personal opinion that it is impossible to know exactly which is the correct form to use in each instance, but I think people should have a say.

Long live the GL!!


Anonymous said...

One that super bothers me is when someone rights "loose" instead of "lose". Gah! This is mostly in fanfiction, but it drives me bananas!

Nathan said...


What about when someone writes "rights" instead of "writes"? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that's killer.

KU Mommy said...


I want to be a GL member.

Grammar is Slammer!

Joel said...

The problem with bitching about grammer is that now you'll have every post run through a super inspection, and come on, everyone fucks some of that shit up sometimes.

By the way, HA HA shouldn't all be caps.

Neither should Slammer.

We should all adopt AP style. It's designed to get the message across clear and quick. Search online for it, a Web page, you know? (always Don't use "impact" to mean anything besides something physically connecting with something else, (i.e. not "the bill had a major impact on the student's life"). I mean, if we're getting all faggy about grammer, we might as well go 100 percent (never use %, always spell "percent" out), right?

Joel said...

By the way, anyone that gets tired of watching KU choke in 2006 should go to the movies and see Glory Road.

It's also fun watching the Squaks choke 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Like you even have to ask if I want to join your league; there's nothing in the world that annoys me more than people who misspell or misspeak. That's why I will never live in Oklahoma; they have absolutely no since of English. It's like they're brain dead or something.

Nathan said...

There is a ridiculous amount of irony among these comments. Kay, I'm going to give you 10 hours to catch your ironic word.

Now, for the person who wrote "dipshit".... First of all, I do not support angry attacks against grammar. I only agree with thoughtful or helpful pointings out of grammar error.

Second, I've already stated that the GL has nothing to do with misspellings, UNLESS those misspellings turn into other words. As such "grammer" must be allowed to slide. Now, if Joel had gone on at length about "Grammies" I may have said something, but he didn't.

Anonymous said...

I think I caught it and I have NO sense of grammar. Can't wait to see what the GL police say the warning is about. A

Anonymous said...

Also, I dont appreciate Joel's use of the word "faggy." For one, it doesnt make sense, for another, it's incredibly insulting to people who are gay. So quit it, poophead. (That's right, I said poophead. And I'm not taking it back!)

Nathan said...

My personal opinion about that is Joel has never had a gay friend.

Back in the day, I used to use the word gay to mean ridiculous or stupid. That's the common usage, when you aren't actually talking about gay people. Then I discovered I had had a gay friend for a while and found myself moving to other words.

It's weird how that works. I wasn't trying to be virtuous or anything, I just started feeling uncomfortable using the word in that other way.

Anonymous said...

No worries, I think that dude was just having a bad day when he typed that. Either that or he's just mad at the world.

Joel said...
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Joel said...

1. Sara. If you don't like the words I use, don't read them. If you're offended, well, I guess you'll have to cry yourself to sleep.

2. Nathan. No, I'm not friends with any gay people. Do you stay in touch with a lot of gay people? Would I say "gay" in front of gay people? Uh, probably not. That doesn't mean I haven't though, and it wasn't a big deal.

3. Kay. You say Oklahoma sucks. I say OU sucks ... for some reason I think we agree, you just don't realize it yet.

4. Anonymous. That's why I thought the whole idea was stupid, gay, faggy, whatever. You got the idea, spelled right or not. And man, you used a smily face? What, are you 16? You'd better log off before your teacher sees your not doing your homework again. What's next? Are you going to ask someone to the prom?

Nathan said...

I actual say gay around gay people all the time. At the moment, I only keep in touch with one of the grad students from montana who is gay. I don't know if I'd go into any kind of "gay friend contest," as that seems stupid. I'm just saying that, for me personally, when I first developed gay friends, I stopped using the word in a negative context and simply started using it as an adjective to describe a particular kind of sexuality.

I never use the word fag. Never have, never really plan to. It's like using that derogative word that means black people. It's unpleasant. I also don't like "fat fuck." Plain old "fuck" is a nice word in comparison.

I am a little sad that this has devolved from my original talking point, but what can you do?