Monday, January 16, 2006

Temporary Down Time

Hi folks, my loyal readers may have noted a lack of writing on my part. This is mostly due to a lack of computer, also on my part. That's right, the wonderful laptop that I have cherished through thick and thin for the past 2 1/2 years now has a faulty hard drive. This means I'm going to have to wait until the new one shows up and I get everything back on track before I will really be regular on this site.

I imagine the wait shall be about 4 days. So check back on Thursday for a rousing speech on nudity and why pornography should always be backed up on multiple hard drives.

In the mean time, I would advise call Kay up for random phone sex chats. Those are guaranteed to keep anyone entertained.


Nathan said...

Also, I enjoy all forms of harrassment! ALL FORMS.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can call me...just not before noon b/c I will NOT be in the mood....

Anonymous said...

Wow, are you insinuating that there is a three way thing for harrassment...for Kay I might have to swing that way :P As for the porno on multi hard drives, wouldn't it be easier and more convient just to put them on disks? A

Anonymous said...

Fee, I don't know what you are doing with porno, but I must say I disaprove...that you have never invited me over to partake with you. What kind of a friend are you?

Nathan said...

I would like to point out that no names were included in the preview to the pornography discussion. As such, it is entirely possible that I was merely speaking hypothetically and/or about someone else.

Also, disks wouldn't work, because we're talking aboug GIGS AND GIGS of porn, here.

Anonymous said...

We all know you were talking about yourself and you were dead serious. Also, why haven't you written more on your blog? Have you reached some sort of inspirational plateau and have no more to say? It would be a very sad day in the world if Nathan no longer had anything to contribute. What would I read in my down time at the clinic?

Nathan said...

Did I just explain that my computer was broken, so I couldn't write anything more until tonight? Like, that was the whole point of this most recent post.


At the moment, I log on to my sister's when she isn't looking, and simply wouldn't have enough time to adequately compose and then add jokes to a really good post.

However, whenever the hard drive gets in, I promise I shall write a real post.

In the mean time, I suggest playing with your nipples. It is a guaranteed good time.

Anonymous said...

Katie here..I'll send you those pics as soon as I get back to my email address. Also, I will have to agree that playing with Kay's nipples is fun. I am quite sure that Kay will agree..right K?