Wednesday, January 04, 2006

No worries!

It has come to my attention that I update this blog too often. For those of you concerned about this (Kay), I say, don't worry. Feel free to leave comments wherever you like. As long as I don't have to go into the archives to find you, I'm sure I'll read it, for the same reason I can make so many blog entries.

Namely, I'm bored with nothing to do.

Beyond that, I can make no promises. I write entries when I'm so completely bored that I need to reach out to others. As this happens at least once a day, you're likely to see quite a bit of me.

Um, not much else to say today. I have a cold, a sore throat, stuffy ears, and general congestion. And I started my diet. When I stay at home, it's actually pretty easy to maintain. It's when I've gone to a restaurant that I have problems.


Anonymous said...

I am often bored as well, it's just I am bored with lots of crap to do. Currently, I am bored with nothing to do; at least nothing I can do at the place that I am at. And I'm feeling a bit restless. Which is not a good feeling and can only be stopped with some good Nate Lovin'. Unfortunately, I have no Nate lovin' and so must continue to feel restless and icky.

Nathan said...

That's what all the girls say!