Friday, January 06, 2006


As often seems the case in my strange little world of blog make-believe, I feel like writing something, but I have nothing to write about. I want to be edgy, but not too edgy.

For example, there's no way I'd write about the morals of accidentally popping your load while a stripper gives you a lap dance. No way in hell would I talk about that. Far too risque.

So what should I talk about? I could talk about my freaking cold. I'm now in day 3 or 4 of this bastard, and I've grown to hate it. At first I thought it wouldn't be anything bad. A little sore throat never hurt anybody. But it has grown into this evil monster, attacking my sinuses from every direction, leaving me feeling weak and empty.

I am going to use a humidifier in my room tonight in hopes that I'll wake up with slightly less chapped lips due to cold infection. I'll let you know how that goes. Otherwise, I'm using no medicine. My theory is that it is unnecessary. Cold medicines don't cure colds, they just reduce the symptoms. Since I'm not exactly doing anything all day, that seems pointless.

In other news, I'm getting that terrible feeling of aloneness when no one has called me over a certain period of time and I become afraid that all of my friends no longer care about me, and all of those many girls - you know, the ones who I wanna accidentally be locked in the back of a volkswagen with - may be ignoring me.

Except Kay, of course. If Kay ever started to ignore me, I'd probably get rough. Leather whips and chains would be all over the place. In later days, the word "rambunctious" would be used to to describe the event.

If you can't tell, I really need to get a job pretty soon, so I can get over my ridiculous boredom.

Alright, I think I've written enough for now. For today's HTGBWET, I'll say simply this: Get locked in the back of a volkswagen! For all intents and purposes, you're already doing a lot of very intimate things at that point.

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