Wednesday, March 01, 2006

about law schools and over-reacting

This first segment is in response to questions received concerning my acceptance into KU:

I would not say that KU is my first choice, but I would definitely be happy to go there. To be honest, my first choice depends a lot on factors other than the actual merit of the school itself.

For example, my first choice would be William and Mary school of Law in virginia, but only if I get a research fellowship there. KU would be my first choice if certain key things happened that I anticipate will not happen now or ever. Temple would be my first choice if W&M didn't accept me and none of those other things happened.

See? And now what if various factors did end up happening? There are simply too many possibilities to accurately predict what's going to happen over the next month and 1/2.

So this is all a wait and see sort of thing. I guess we'll all know more by April 15ish.

In other news:

So, for fear that too many people are reading this blog, I'm going to keep the following thoughts intentionally really vague.

Women-type friends, do you often misinterpret when a guy either is or is not flirting with you? Especially if you've got a thing for said guy? I find that men in my general social class do this all the time. If I were interested in doing wonderful and naughty things with a particular woman, I would instantly start looking for any kind of sign that she might be interested.

This leads to an awful lot of misunderstandings, because, at least in my experience, I have never correctly determined a sign of flirting. Never. In my whole life. At least, that I know of.

I spend great deals of my time contemplating the slightest unusual turn of phrase or minor increase in conversation frequency. All of it gets me so psyched up that I automatically start assuming that the woman in question is in to me.

Luckily, I'm a huge coward. So I wait a few days, continue reading the signs and discover that the girl was probably just less busy/ in a good mood/ bored/ etc. And I just happened to be a handy person to talk to.

And so my slightly cynical HTGBWET tip of the day is this: She isn't flirting with you. Don't ever assume she is. You may act, but you must never assume you are reacting. And don't reach for the stars. Stars are really just points of light that happened a thousand years ago.

They are, essentially, illusions. And in the end illusions never make you feel good.


G said...

You know Felix, that was depressing but true. I've had many a similar experiences with the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I was never good at flirting, or telling if someone was flirting with me.

Kathleen said...

I would definitely have to say yes. Sometimes, it would be nice to know that said guy - or girl in your case Fe- that the person was interested. It seems there wouldn't be pressure then, because you may know, but he/she doesn't know you know and you can take it from there. But that brings us to - how do you find out? And also, even if he/she doesn't like you as more than a friend, do you really want the flirting to stop?

KU Mommy said...

I don't know if this says anything... but I used to flirt like CRAZY with any guy I liked. But the first guy who gave absolutely no reaction to my flirting is the one that I'm marrying in two months.

I'm not sure what that means.

Anonymous said...

I think it's just human nature to see what you want to see. If you like someone, then obviously you start looking for signs that they like you, and you'll probably find them. If you thought someone hated you, you'd probably see those signs too. Also, Fee, if you stop putting your chapters online for all to see, does this mean that you won't privately e-mail them to me so I can continue reading? I promise I won't steal your book and publish it before you can:)

Nathan said...

No no, Kay. I'm saying that I will specifically email you new chapters on wednesday. Just let me know which address you prefer I use.