Monday, March 13, 2006

March Madness

As a courtesy to your friendly neighborhood Joel, I've decided to include his comment on a main post. I'm participating, which means you should too.

Joel Says:
Hey, I started a bracket group on

Here's the link:

the group name is: Joel's group
the password is: bucknell

Everyone go and fill out a bracket and get your ass kicked by me. You have to sign up with ESPN first, but that's easy and quick and just like the million other things you have to register for. I'm trying to get as many people as I know to enter, so invite anyone you want as long as they're not pieces of crap.

I'll drop this on some other blogs too much to get the word out.

Back to Nathan:
Alright, so join up. It should be a good time. Of course, I picked A TOTALLY homer bracket, but I'm not an impassive sports writer, so it's ok.

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