Saturday, March 18, 2006

Whose house? Run's house!

Whose house? Say what? Run's house!

Hiya, yo, sup, how ya' doin' my peeps. I don't know 'bout ya'll, but I'm feeling mighty fine.

You might be wondering why, so I'll drop his shnizzy on you. I's a playa!

Hell, ya, beeeotch!

Well, maybe not a player, but it is now conceivable that I have at least a tiny amount of game. Pistol Pete and I went out tonight, because he was in town, and mostly nothing happened.

THEN, we went to IHOP. And here is where things get interesting. We walk in and there is this huge line. But Pete cuts in front of it, theoretically to ask about the wait. Turns out, either legally or illegally, there was a small table for two open in the smoking area, so we sucked it right up. As we walked into the room, a verbal fight was breaking out, and two girls who we sat near were talking about it. So I asked them what was going on.

Then Pete and I turned to our menus, but I sat in such a way as to make talking to the two girls VERY easy. And so, naturally, our two tables would occasionally interact. I eventually decided on the Chicken Fried Chicken, which - SURPRISE SURPRISE - the girl in the table next to me was also getting!

So I asked her about the sides. (Being such an innocent fellow who usually "just gets the breakfast.") Turns out, she says, that she's an expert on IHOP dinners. A while later, I start to complain that I need to go to the little boys room, and I try to explain to Pete what to order if the waitress comes by, but he doesn't get it. SO...

I turn back to our friendly female neighbor and explain that she needs to order for me.

When I get back, I thank her, give her a high five, sit down, wait a little while, then nonchalantly turn around again and ask the two girls how they feel about the empty part of the booth they're sitting in. Then I point out that I feel bad taking up two tables when there is such a long line of people waiting to eat.

Presto chango, Pete and I are sitting by two lovely ladies.

Now, nothing really comes of all this, though we all did have a lovely night, but I'm still feeling pretty danged good about the skills I displayed. After this I might try for something a little more exciting, like a phone number.

Maybe not at IHOP, though.


Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a good time at the IHOP.

Nathan said...

Oh, it was ok.

v said...

