Friday, March 17, 2006

Why I like March

Happy St. Patrick's day, everybody! Yesterday was a great day of basketball and today should be another. I think it is important to note that there is one thing March Madness does that very few other things can do for this nation - and most of those things are natural distasters - and that is putting together this sense of national union.

There are those who say the college basketball tournament is just a series of games, and I respect that opinion, but must disagree. It may have been that at one time it was just a series of games. Today it is akin to a grail. It is one of the few things that almost everyone in America can agree on, because we all are willing to officially disagree on it.

It is almost the definition of the modern american spirit!

Many people will not be impressed with that notion. Many will not care. To have a bit of light fun, many will be irritated that their reruns were pre-empted by live basketball being played in every part of America at once. I just wish that were not the case. I wish I could somehow interest you all in the miracle that draws this nation together.

Think of it like this. When do the humans get to beat the cylons? How often does David get to beat Goliath? When do hollywood stars have to be in a production with community actors? When have you sat at a table with Tom Cruise or the entire cast of Happy Days?

That's really what this tournament is about. For one day tiny, little Montana University could tangle with the biggest, richest school in New York. Kansas can prove that it is better than every other state in the nation. The world is suddenly forced to pay attention to Peoria, IL and Milwaukee. It's about recognition and respect. It's about loving a person you've never met, even though you consider yourself the most heterosexual individual on earth.

I posted that article link that explains all this so much better than I do, but I thought I'd toss in a few words of my own, just so you might get some idea where so many people are coming from.

Oh, and I got a cool, green jacket-type thing yesterday, which leads me to believe that Mossimo is my officially favorite clothing brand. Everything I've ever purchased from that brand has fit better and looked better than anything almost anything else.


Joel said...

You're right dude. I LOVE THE NCAA TOURNEY!!!!!!!!!

Don't you love it?

Well, at least all the losers cheering for both KU and WSU can focus on WSU now, right? It's probably for the best.

Joel said...

Hey, I took a bunch of Texas numbers and added them all up and I compared them to KU's numbers and I realized something about both of the teams.

Tune in later to discover what it is.

Nathan said...

You know what I love to hear? I enjoy hearing a person who hasn't had a team go to the NCAA tournament in over 15 years gloat. It means they've managed to find a way to find at least a little bit of positive in the world.

Joel said...

What are you talking about? On this blog where facts and grammar are checked like arabs loading on a 747, you might want to look that one over, kiddo.