Tuesday, March 14, 2006

some meandering thoughts

Lately I've felt like I just have so many things to say on this thing. Maybe after a bit it'll all die down. Maybe not. Anyway, here's some more.

I didn't realize that I hadn't concluded my post from a few days ago. Yes, I've joined the Y. Yes, it's the same Y as Erin is in, as we discovered today. Yes, I'm developing mighty muscles and will soon be able to join the beautiful people club. And, yes, I am using the butt work-out machine. Why? you ask. Simple. I am the inheritor of the infamous plumber butt disease. My hope is that if I develop butt muscles, maybe my pants will stay up better.

Any of you who know how these things work may feel free to chime in on this.

I don't like it when people pick Duke and Uconn in the championship game. It's totally boring. C'mon people! Be adventure-some!

I was crazy sick yesterday. I came home, went to sleep at 6, woke up at 9, went to sleep at 9:30, woke up at 3:30, went to sleep again, woke up at 6am. That's right. 12 hours of sleep. In a sense. It was awesome. Except for the part where I had no idea what was going on. But I was feeling pretty good at six.

Speaking of 6am and the Y, I think I might start going there at 6am to do the morning swimming thing. Probably not, at least not until I figure out where my swimming trunks are, but I will definitely consider it.

In yet other (less explicit) news, I think I may have been coming off as weird and needy lately, so I think I'm gonna back of for a while. I've been told it's important to do that. If you have any idea what this paragraph is about, I give you props.

Um. And I think that's it. Since I last talked about it, I haven't got much done on my story. Nevertheless, I have high hopes. Also, I think when I'm done, I gonna go back through and simplify as many sentences as possible. Sometimes I'm writing to a high school reading level, when I should only be writing for 6-8th graders.

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