Sunday, March 12, 2006

Five Things

Hmm. It's been a long day. There are many things I could talk about, but very few things worth talking about. This puts me in an odd predicament. Do I want to discuss at length in a mediocre post, or do I want to find those tiny nuggets of thought from within the slough?

Let's try for the second.

1. If I haven't mentioned it already, I've been accepted by Temple and KU so far.
KU: 12 - 18k per year
Temple 44k per year

Ultimate average starting income:
KU: 45-55k per year
Temple 65-85k per year

Difficult decision.

You see the issue? Maybe william and mary will come along and fix this whole problem for me. Or maybe another complication will arise that will make me REALLY happy, but will change everything... Unlikely.

2. Women are more beautiful when they are intelligent. Also, when they don't smoke.

3. I believe I'm down to my last 15 to 20 pages of story, plus or minus an epilogue that I haven't decided on. I'm pretty pumped.

4. Look for flowers in a week in a half to continue my 3 year scheme that I've devised that is guaranteed to leave me in tears, because I over-think things and am not confident do everything the way I probably should. A Tale of Two Cities will be nothing compared to this. There are those of you who might know what I'm talking about.

5. I'm tired. G'night.

1 comment:

TheMemoWriter said...

I wouldn't even consider paying more than twice as much to go to Temple. I seriously question whether you'd actually make more money. It certainly doesn't seem worth the additional cost. William and Mary would be another story...

Good luck