Sunday, December 25, 2005

Best Holiday Wishes

It's been a good night. I personally sent all the kids outside because I was pretty sure I saw Santa. We looked for him, but he must have flown off by the time we got out there.

So we went back in,
and were shocked to behold
Presents and stockings
with a magical load!

A CD, some candy,
a gravity free car,
these were the presents
I saw from afar.

Yet none were for me,
St. Nick had no regard
So I called him some names:
rat-face and bastard.

Then I heard him exclaim,
err he drove out of sight,
"Up yours with a twirl!
And your family's a fright!"

I may have made up that last part.

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone. It's bedtime for Bonzo.

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