Friday, December 16, 2005

I missed a night!

First, I'd like to send out an apology to my dear readers. Due to circumstances not under my control, I did not post yesterday. I would like to say this is because of dire circumstances, like rain, wind, earth, and fire, but I cannot. It was TROLL PEOPLE!!!!

And by troll people, I of course mean Nate and Dean and, to a lesser degree, Davis. That's right, Dean called me up and explained to me that the four of us were having a night on the town. I said that I was poor. He told me I was gay. Now, I am not gay, but I do have many gay friends, so I tried to tell him that, but then he told me that I was gay.

Long story short, I ended up at I-HOP at 2:30am, randomly calling such fine figures as Kay and Joel, who we assumed would be awake. We also assumed Joel probably was involved in sinful and immoral acts. Because of this, we called him about 30 times.

I have to say, it was a pretty good night, and I managed to keep my bar tab below $20, which I think is very impressive. Before IHOP we visited first B J Boltons, then Blu, the bar on Tyler and Maple, where I shook my ass on the dance floor 'til there was no shakin' left to be done. Boo-yah, beotch!!!!

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Now, if I could only stop being poor.


Anonymous said...

why doesnt anyone ever randomly call me at 2:30 in the morning? Of course, I rarely know where my cell phone is, but still! It would be nice to wake up in the middle of the night to drunken friends, or wake up in the morning to awesome drunken voice messages.

Nathan said...

well, I promise, if you like, that I will do so the next time such a situation arrises. I'm not sure if I have your cell number though. Email it to me.

KU Mommy said...