Tuesday, December 27, 2005


So I saw Narnia tonight and had a couple reactions. First, to be fair, there were some good bits. I pretty much enjoyed everything up to and including the icey river scene. Excellent tension and build up.

However, from that point on I was pretty disappointed. Wait. Wrong word. From that point on my suspicions were confirmed. It seemed to constantly shift back and forth from a wannabe peter jackson movie to a wannabe nickelodean kids movie. And, every time the movie made this bizarre shift, I was thrown right out of the action. Now, it takes an awful lot to stop me from suspending disbelief, so this is really bad news.

Also, I gotta say, just like in the book, the christian element was a bit overly obvious and predictable. I don't mind a bit of christian allegory. It was peppered throughout Lord of the Rings. I just don't like it when the allegory is hitting me over the head like a brick. I mean, aside from being generally irritating, it is the ultimate writing faux pas, called deus ex machina by those in the know.

So those are my thoughts. I have to admit to a bit of bias in this situation, being somewhat of a humanist, but not much can be done about that.

One other thing. My 23 month old niece farted during a quiet scene in the movie, then exclaimed quite proudly, "I farted!"

She may hate me for writing that one day. I'm sure I won't care, though.

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