Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Yet another day passes, and I still haven't signed up to substitute teach. I absolutely have to by tomorrow, as I want to start on Friday. At the moment, I'm still terrified. I like children, but I really don't like the ones who don't like me. And EVERYONE hates the sub!

On the positive side, though, we got DSL today. So far, I've been incredibly impressed with both myself, and my networking skills. I never knew I had it in me. Just to prove how awesome I am, I have decided to include my WEP ID. No one would have ever thought of this one! It is totally unique, the number is...

What? Oh, hang on, I need to go help with the dishes.

Now where was I? Um. Oh yeah, the WEP number, where did it go? I had it lying write here. Crap, I must have thrown it away. I'm sure I have a copy somewhere, but it just seems like too much work to find. Maybe some other time.

And now, for today's: HTGBWET (that's How To Get Babes Without Even Trying)... Be a dirty, lazy bastard and a backup dancer for about 2 days, plus be a stupid hick sumbitch. It's a guarantee from the only man who can give guarantees on the subject: Kevin Federline. Or whatever that bastard's name is.

Until Later..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I predict great things in your quest to become a substitute teacher.

--Michael RW